Print a church directory

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Print a church directory


CMD provides the tools needed to print a church directory suitable for publication and distribution to your church family. The church directory formats differ from other output forms in that they may (at your option) include any or all family members along with the names that match the criteria for the list that you specify.

CMD provides 6 basic formats, some of which can be varied considerably in order to achieve the look you desire. For examples or explanations of each basic format, click:

 Format A (home phone to the left of the name)

 Format B (with or without pictures; home phone either before or after names plus other phone numbers)

 Format C (home phone to the right of the name)

 Customized Format (gives you the most options on what your directory will look like)

 Name Only

 Pictorial Formats

 ASCII Export (for Church Directory)


 Roster for Staff Use

For forms other than eDirectory (which has its own special instruction set), here are the general steps to follow:

Select the names you wish to print on the Selection page of Print Names. Generally, the most common selection will be to click Field-based Selections, click the Directory field in the center column of fields, and then select Families Marked. This will cause all families marked for the directory to be printed.

You may, however, use any criteria for printing a church directory if you need to print a small sub-group of your names in a church directory format.

Click the Print Control tab, and select Church Directory from the Output Forms combo. When selected, a number of controls become visible that you will use to determine the specifics of the directory format.

Select the Directory Format. Review the basic layouts of each format using the hyper text links above and select the one you wish to print.

Tab Space determines the tab space in relation to the phone number that's printed along with each format. A default value is provided that works well with each format. We suggest that you print a page or two before making an adjustment to this value.

When Format B is selected, the Phones button becomes enabled. When you click this button, you are given the opportunity to select which phone numbers you wish to include, and whether or not you wish to print the home phone number before or after the name.

List Dependents on a Single Line. Uncheck this box only if you want each dependent to be printed on their own line.

Include E-Mail Address. Check this box to include e-mail addresses if available.

Override Phone Confidentiality. Check this box only if you want to include phone numbers that are marked as confidential.

Print Last Name in Bold. This check box prints the last name in bold only if you invert names.

Titles & Names Separators. Select one of the options for both titles and names.

Status Markers. Click this button to see the Status Markers dialog which will allow you to mark any Membership Status with a numeric marker that will be printed as a superscript number after each name who is marked with the Membership Status you select. You may mark any number of Membership Status choices in this manner.

Page Setup. For formats A-C, you can be specific about the margins, orientation, number of columns, and page numbers.

Additional choices. Many of the other controls on the Print Control page also affect the church directory formats. Use these to further define your church directory format:

         Name Formality

         Case Status

         Area Codes

         Use Titles

         Invert Name


If you get a name that prints with asterisks around it like this:

 *** Smith, John *** means one of two things. You have the family marked for inclusion in the church directory but no individuals in the family marked for inclusion (see the field just above the Add New Family Member button in the Family Data area on the Enter/Modify/Delete Names dialog).

Or, it means that no adult-level person in the household has been marked for inclusion. At least one of the individuals in the family marked to be included in the directory must be a husband, wife, single parent, single adult, or partner. You can also select Independent Minor if there truly is no  adult in the family entry.

The asterisks will also be triggered if CMD finds more than one single parent and/or single adult in a family. Use partner or husband and wife instead. Never put two single adults, single parents, or one single adult & single parent in the same household for CMD's purposes.