Church & Personal Information Fields (Print Names)

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Church & Personal Information Fields (Print Names)


The Church & Personal Information Fields box on the Selection page of Print Names contains the fields that can be used as criteria for a list that are related to personal or church information.

In order to be able to use any of these fields, you must first have clicked the Field-based Selections button in the First Step Selection box in the upper left corner of the Selection page.

To use any of these fields, click the check box for the field you want to use, and then specify either by selecting from a menu or entering data into an edit box to tell CMD about the criteria you wish to use.

Each type of field choice is discussed below:

Single-Choice Menu Fields

Affiliation, Directory, Regular Attenders, Joining Method, Marital Status, Gender, User 4 (Ethnicity by default) and Retired all present menus of choices from which you may select. From these menus, only one item may be selected as the criteria for your list. Remember that you can select any number of these different fields at one time to create multiple criteria for your list.

Multi-Choice Menu Fields

Membership Status, Church Offices, SS Class/Division, Talents, Activities, User 1, User 2, and Family Status all allow you to select any number of the items on the menu to use as criteria for the list.

When you first check one of these fields, a dialog will appear that will enable you to make your selections. The list of possible choices will be on the left, and the list of your choices will be displayed on the right. Click on any choice you wish to add to your selections and click the pointer icon to move that choice to your selections. When you click OK to close the selection dialog, the choices you made will appear on the combo box to the right of the menu field you have selected.

When you select several items from one of these fields, a name must match at least one of the items you specified in order to be included. It need not match all of them, but it must match at least one of them.

If you wish to change any of the items you have selected as criteria, you may either uncheck and then recheck the menu field's check box, or you may double-click directly on the combo box that displays your choices to bring up the selection dialog again.

Edit Box Fields

Joining Specifics, User 3, and Occupation all require that you enter text which must match the information saved in those fields for each name in order to be included in the list.

Attendance, Visitation, Dates

Attendance, Visitation, and Dates all require that you click a button to bring up a dialog that will allow you to specify the items related to those fields that can be used as criteria for a list. Each one of these items has its own help topic which you may access by clicking the appropriate link below:

 Attendance Selection

 Visitation Selection

 Dates Selection