Download Demo

Right click on the link below to download a full-working demo of our software. The demo lets you sample all of the software’s features, but limits the number of families you can enter to 10.

Before downloading and running the demo, you may wish to view three of our training videos that will demonstrate how to initialize CMD when you run it for the first time (it’s the same process for the demo or the full version), and how to enter family and individuals information. Viewing these will save you a lot of time and guesswork once you start to work with the demo.

Getting Started with CMD

Enter family information

Enter individuals information

This demo is based on CMD 2011.1, and will give you a realistic feel for how CMD works because it is the full program limited only by the number of families you can store.

Right click here to download the CMD2011 Demo

We suggest that you place the setup program on your desktop. When the download is finished, double-click the setup program’s icon to begin the setup process on your computer. The “Readme” text in the setup process will tell you how to start up CMD to initialize it after the setup process is finished. To make it easiest for you to initialize CMD, watch the brief Getting Started with CMD video that demonstrates how to initialize CMD and log in for the first time.

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