Address Fields (Interest File)

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Address Fields (Interest File)


The address fields, Address 1, Address 2, City, State (Province), and Zip (Postal Code) on the Interest File dialog save the information in the Residence Address fields in the main CMD data file. For simplicity's sake, this is the only address provided on the Interest File dialog.

If you need to specify a separate mailing address, call up the family in the CMD's Enter/Modify/Delete Names dialog after entering it here and use the address notebook provided there to enter a mailing address.

When using the two address fields designed for the street address, always make sure the actual address is on the second line if your address requires two lines. Some examples:

 1234 Home Ave

In the above example, the address itself uses only a single line. In this case, enter the information on the FIRST address line.

 Shady Oaks Residence Care

 1234 Home Ave

In the above example, since the address takes up two lines, the actual delivery address is placed on the SECOND address line.

City and State Fields

The City and State fields are "history list" fields, meaning that they will remember all the unique choices that are entered. Once a choice has been entered, the drop-down menu will display the item, and it can be selected from the menu. Or, if you begin to type in the entry, if it finds a similar entry on the list already, you will be shown. If there is one, you won't have to complete typing the entry; just press Tab to keep the entry and move on.

The top 4 items on the menu are the most recently used items, and the items under the top 4 are all the items on the list.

To modify the list, double-click within the City or State fields to see a dialog with a list of unique entries for City or State, depending on which you have selected. When this History List Maintenance dialog appears, you can add a new item by typing it in the box up above and then clicking the Save to List button, you can click on an item on the list and press Del to remove it, you can clear all items, insert a blank line, or sort the items all with a single button click. You can even drag-and-drop to re-order the list according to your needs.