Using E-Mail in CMD

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Using E-Mail in CMD


You can send e-mails from within CMD in two ways, and both are easy to accomplish:

CMD E-Mail Client. There is a built-in, easy-to-use e-mail client in CMD that you can use to send your e-mails to names in your CMD file.

Outlook or other E-Mail Client. You can also use CMD to quickly generate a list of e-mail addresses that are sent to the Windows clipboard which can then easily be pasted into the address field of any e-mail program or client.

You tell CMD if you wish to use the built-in CMD e-mail client or instead send the e-mails to the clipboard for use in another e-mail program by a selection on the E-Mail Setup dialog.

Generating the E-Mail Address List

Generally, there are two ways the e-mail address list is generated:

Name Search dialog. There is an item there labeled Send E-Mail From Here. When this button is clicked, the built-in CMD e-mail client will appear with the e-mail address of the currently highlighted name automatically placed in the Recipient field.

Print Control. From the various Print Control dialogs in CMD where there is an Address E-Mail if Available check box, the list of e-mails that match your selection criteria will be sent either to the CMD-s built-in e-mail client or the Windows clipboard, depending on the selection you make on the CMD's E-Mail Setup dialog.