Pledge Statement Options

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Pledge Statement Options


The Pledge Statement Options dialog enables you to determine which, if any, statements are to be printed for names who have not pledged.

To get to this dialog, click the Pledge Statement Options button to the right of the Output Form drop-down box on the Statements dialog when you have selected any of the pledge statement options.T

he top part of the dialog deals with what should be printed for pledgers:

Print only the pledge statement

Print the alternative statement also. When you select this item, CMD will print an additional statement immediately following the pledge statement of the type selected in the lower part of the dialog.

Show non-pledge giving as well. Check this box if you wish to include non-pledge giving on the same pledge statement that shows the pledged giving.

The center part of the dialog deals with what statement should be printed if a name gave during the time period you select, but who has not pledged to give to any pledge accounts. You can specify that no statements should be printed for these names, or you can click on any of the statement options that you wish to print for names who have not pledged.

The lower part of the dialog allows you to select the wording to be used for the unpaid portion of a pledge. Click your choice of "Unpaid Balance" or "Amount Remaining."