Reassign Contributions Data

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Reassign Contributions Data


If you need to reassign donations given by one person to another person in your data file, select the Reassign Contributions Data option on the Contributions Menu's Utilities option.

Generally, the only time that you should need to reassign data is in the event of a death of a spouse in a family.

You will need to get both the names of the person to whom the data is currently assigned, and the name to whom you want the data to be reassigned. Use the buttons provided in the boxes on the dialog to find the names.

Once both names have been found, click the Reassign button to perform the actual reassignment.

This action moves all contributions records, splits, pledges, and envelope number information to the new name.

This action will not erase any current data in the new name. It will just add the data from the name currently holding the data to the new name's contributions data record.